Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Reflection - Assignment Example These results are provided by empirical researchers that are based on set hypothesis. Additionally, 51 percent is the result that is found in the study that involves only two sexes. Tossing a coin can give the very near result of 50-50 hence the result is random and not consistent. Secondly, the issue of homosexual marriage provides another basis of Buller argument. If the results of empirical research show that, men are more, hurt by physical cheating. Innately according to Buller men are different from women. Basing on Buss argument, the homosexual men are like women who will be hurt by emotional infidelity. On culture, the research show that there is a lower prevalence of sexual infidelity in Germany and the Dutch hence culture diversity can play a role. The Buller counter argument is not convincing. Firstly, his arguments are based on wrong correlations that amount to fallacious reasoning. The use of homosexual marriage presents a wrong correlation because Buss argued that men are concerned with the question of not being the parent of their children. In homosexual marriage, there is not parenthood hence cannot be a valid argument. Tossing a coin is another wrong correlation as basis of the argument to refute the argument of

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